Smartsheet For Mac Free Download

Smartsheet For Mac Free DownloadSmartsheetSmartsheetSmartsheets free version

Smartsheet is fully functional on both Mac and PC platforms. Here are some tips for using Smartsheet on your Mac:

Download Excel Try Smartsheet. Cash Flow Template. View incoming and outgoing cash flow both at present and over a specific timeframe, including 12- and 36-month periods, with this cash flow statement template. Compare financial activity and gain insight into personal or company growth. Download Excel Try Smartsheet. Balance Sheet Template. NOTE: Smartsheet is a subscription-based service and requires either a free trial or paid account. To learn more about Smartsheet, visit Tips For Getting Started with Smartsheet. Import an existing MS Excel sheet. Import an existing MS Project file. Start with a Smartsheet customizable template, some examples include.

  • On a Mac, the Command key is the equivalent of the PC’s Ctrl key. Use Command in place of Ctrl unless otherwise noted when utilizing keyboard shortcuts.
  • To perform a right-click: If you're using a trackpad or single-button mouse, press the [Control] key as you click on the trackpad or mouse button. If you're using a mouse with multiple buttons, you can right-click normally.
  • Press Control+i on your keyboard to insert a new row.
  • You can utilize two-finger trackpad scrolling in the Grid and Gantt views. If you're losing your sheet when swiping, go into System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures and change the Swipe between pages to three fingers. This way the computer won’t interpret your swipe as your intention to go back and forward between pages.
  • To change your click options on a Mac, please review instructions on Apple's support page regarding Setting your Preferences.
  • Smartsheet is supported on the following Mac browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • In newer versions of OSX, Apple made the decision to hide scroll bars unless you are actively scrolling. If you'd like scroll bars to display at all times, go into System Preferences > General > and set Show Scroll Bars to Always.

Can You Download Smartsheet

This download provides the same functionality as the original free gantt chart template above. The main difference is the formatting. The WBS, End, and Work Days columns are highlighted gray to indicate that they contain formulas. Note: This new design is available for the Pro version as well, but only as an alternative to one of the main files. SmartDraw offers two ways to get started: download the Windows edition or sign up for the online edition free.